Welcome to the Coast Rifle and Pistol Club! Please remember our club is a member’s club organized and chartered for the promotion of shooting sports. There are many volunteers who make this club a success. These volunteers run the various matches and club activities for members. If you see something that needs fixing or you have a skill that can help improve the club, we strongly encourage you to contact a board member and offer your help. Your support of the club is important!
This club has five elected (non-paid) officers. They answer to the membership. The officers provide the administrative support for day-to-day operations. Members are asked to help with range projects and shooting events.
Please treat your club with respect and always leave the range and buildings clean.
It is important to remember that membership in this club is a privilege not a right.
The club pays to have the Range cleaned weekly. The cleaning contract is only to empty trash cans, general clean-up, and hang new target backer boards. Always pick up all the trash you generate while at the range and any other trash you see. When each member leaves the range better than they found it, there will be fewer club cleanup expenses. Always clean up your brass and sweep your firing position when you are done shooting. Place empty brass cases in the 5-gallon buckets. Place steel cases, used targets, and trash in the trash barrels.
Club meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM. At these meetings the CRPC Officers, Board Members and general members, discuss club business. This is your chance to voice your opinions or recommendations about club projects. Club Officers and Board members vote on current issues at these monthly meetings. Once a year, usually in January, the club holds the annual meeting. Club issues which requires a vote of the general membership are presented and voted on during the annual meeting. During the annual meeting your CRPC club officers are elected to their non-paid positions. Officers are elected for 3-year terms. If you would like to be a club officer, please make it known and run for the office. All members are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings and the club’s annual general membership meeting.
Information about the club and its activities is posted on our club web site at or Your Club By-Laws are posted in the clubhouse and on the club web site. The club’s fiscal year runs 01 January to 31 December. The Club Officers will gladly answer your questions about the Range facilities and their operations. Their contact information is located on the web site and on a sign at the front entrance.
The clubhouse belongs to the members. Please feel free to use it. When you use the club house please leave it in the same condition that you found it. Occasionally, the clubhouse is reserved for club matches, training, or other activities. Check the calendar on the web page to avoid a conflict.
You may reserve the clubhouse by contacting the Club Secretary.
The clubhouse training room may be reserved for training activities. There is also a small training annex located near pistol range #5. This building is used for tournament administrative purposes during pistol matches or for small group training.
Daytime shooting on the club ranges is from daylight to dark. Nighttime shooting is only on lighted ranges with a minimum of two persons present on said range during the entire time of night shooting. At 10 p.m. sharp, shooting ceases and the range lights are turned off. Some ranges may be closed for major range clean up/maintenance, special events, sectioned matches, or when mowing/contract work is being accomplished.
Your badge is your key in and out of the range and also the club house. The automatic entry/exit gate will lock approximately one hour after dark. Please plan accordingly. If you have a guest with a separate vehicle, DO NOT try to get both vehicles through the gate with one badge swipe. Swipe your car through then use your badge to swipe your guest through.
Never swipe in someone unless they are your guest. Do not swipe someone through who claims “they forgot their badge.” We forbid shooters without badges from the ranges. (Visitor must have a visitor badge). Tournament competitors are exempt the badge rule during the event.
Annual dues are $200.00. First time members pay an initiation fee of $200.00. This fee is assessed only once in a lifetime. Disabled Veterans, Active Duty Military and Retired Military are exempt from the initiation fee. Military on temporary orders are pro rated dues at $20 per month. (They must provide a copy of their orders). Associate memberships are $25 per year. Married spouses may obtain an associate membership. Associate members may not vote at the annual meeting. Associate members may use the ranges without the sponsor present. Members and Associates may bring two guests. Memberships may be renewed by payment in the clubhouse, mailed to the Club PO box, or during new member briefings. Please note that your badge will automatically stop allowing access to the club should you not pay your annual dues timely.
Range Closures for Events:
Range closures for scheduled events will be posted on the club’s website for each range affected. Because this club is chartered to support the promotion of shooting sports, there will be times that one or more ranges will be closed to general shooting. Every attempt will be made to keep at least one range (3A) open during any match. To schedule a shooting event the CRPC Executive Board has established following requirements:
Club members wishing to schedule a shooting event using one or more ranges, must submit a request, in writing, for approval to the club’s Executive Board. Requests are approved at the regular club meeting the month prior to the event.
Groups from outside the club wishing to use a range for a shooting event must submit a request, in writing, to the club’s Executive Board. Groups from outside the club may be charged a fee as determined by the Board at the time of the request. A minimum of three (3) weeks advance notice of the event is required.
All request will specify: a) The date(s), hours of each day’s usage, b) weapons to be used (i.e.: pistols, rifles, etc.), c) distances to be shot and d) the number of people participating in each event.
All shooters/spectators at shoots will be required to comply with all club rules. The club’s Range Safety Officer (RSO), or his designated assistant, must be present. The RSO will have full authority to take appropriate action if a safety violation occurs. Event participants will not be designated as an RSO. There is no fee refund if an event is cancelled, or if an individual is removed from a shoot for non-compliance with established club rules.
Club supported groups such as 4-H, Boy Scouts, or as designated by the Executive Board, will be exempt from range usage fees.
New members are always welcome at Coast Rifle & Pistol Club. There is only one level of full membership plus an Associate Member status available for spouses of Members. Both Members and Associates are allowed to bring 2 guests.
Dues are $200.00 per year plus a one-time initiation fee of $200.00 for new members(Note: the new member initiation fee does not apply to current or former members of Coast Rifle & Pistol Club.). For whatever month a new member joins the Club, that membership remains valid until the last day of that month a year later.
Mandatory Safety Briefing
Applicants for membership must attend a one-time Safety Briefing conducted by the elected Range Safety Officer, another club officer or delegated member at the range clubhouse.
We will conduct the briefings in groups of 10. As a result, you will need to email ( with the names and number of people who plan to attend. You will then be notified by return email of your briefing time. Available times are 2:00pm, 3:00pm & 4:00pm
Upon entry, please proceed to the clubhouse and park in front of the clubhouse or in the lot past the clubhouse. In rare cases it is possible to arrange alternate times for a Safety Briefing in cases where employment or other circumstances make it difficult to comply with the normal schedule. Please contact the Range Safety Officer, President or Treasurer for a convenient time to arrange for a meeting.
Immediately prior to the regularly scheduled Safety Briefing an applicant will complete and/or hand in the application form with a one-time $200 initiation fee and $200.00 annual membership fee payable at the time of joining not in advance by online payment. A photo ID badge will be printed and turned over to the new member upon completion of the Safety Briefing. At this point the new member is free to use the range facilities within the guidelines of the Safety Rules and Club By-Laws. The badge will be used to gain access to the gate and clubhouse. It will be required to use your badge for entry and exit through the front gate. (Please see Military area below for special exemptions.)
Associate Membership
For $25 the spouse of a member can become an Associate Member. Associate Members have all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of a Member (individual photo ID badge, use of the range and authorization for two guests without the Member presence, etc.) with one exception. Associate Members are not permitted to vote in the annual elections. To become an Associate Member the spouse must attend the mandatory Safety Briefing. Payment and attendance can be accomplished at any time during which the other spouse’s full membership is valid.
Membership Gift Certificates
Membership Gift Certificates are available by contacting the Club at
Occasionally Gift Certificates will be offered for sale from the Club’s table at nearby gun shows. Cost is the same as regular annual dues, $200 and a one time initiation fee for new members. (The fee does not apply to current or past members whether active or not, or to active military). At gun shows, only check or money order can be accepted. The membership commences when the bearer presents the certificate at a Safety Briefing and follows the other routine steps for new members.
Active duty military personnel with orders to transfer less than one year in the future may, upon presentation of written orders, join for $20 per month from the application date to the transfer date. The one time initiation fee will be waived for the following categories:
Disabled Veterans, Active Military and Retired Military.
A Note Regarding Dues
. Annual dues are $200 for every member except Lifetime Members. Current Lifetime Memberships are honored but are no longer issued.
Some Additional Benefits
· The Club is NRA-Affiliated and is able to arrange discounts for new NRA members as well as renewals. Inquire at .
· The Club’s affiliation with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) permits our members to make direct purchases of US Government surplus firearms (e.g., M-1 Grand rifles) from CMP.
· Private Events – Most range facilities can be made available to a member or members for private functions if sufficient notice is given to the Club. Details and arrangements will be handled on an individual basis. As a reminder, alcohol is strictly prohibited on the range property. No member or guest is allowed in an intoxicated state. It is the responsibility of the host member(s) to ascertain compliance by all participants.
Thank you for visiting Coast Rifle & Pistol Club’s website. Please send any questions to our email
1. At all times while on the range please use common sense and good judgment.
2. Do not give anyone your badge or key to range facilities. Doing so will result in the member’s immediate termination and possible trespassing charges against the person using the loaned badge.
3. No alcohol is allowed on the facility.
4. Badges must be worn and visible at all times.
5. All firearm actions must be open when not shooting. Do not load firearms until in the shooting position.
6. Eye protection and ear protection are required at all times, on all ranges, and by spectators and guests. No exceptions
7. Firing firearms at unauthorized club assets will get you expelled from the Club permanently. (4X4 supports)
8. A member may bring two guests (who must be directly supervised): the guest may not shoot at the same as the member supervising them; the member is responsible for the actions of their guest.
9. Pick up all trash/debris and shotgun shells before leaving the range: to include all targets, hulls, and any trash you bring.
10. Use no shot larger than size 7 ½ on the skeet and trap ranges.
11. Skeet and Trap rounds are $2.00 each for members and $5.00 for any guest. This is for 25 rounds fired.
12. Do not shoot or handle anyone’s firearm without permission.
13. The pattern boards are for shotgun use only and no shot size larger than size 7 ½ lead shot.
14. All deposits/ payments are to be put in the safe, please use the proper envelope and fill out all information requested. Then place in safe.
15. All bullets must impact the berm directly.
16. Do not shoot vertical posts or steel horizontal target frames on range 2.
17. Do not shoot anything on the ground or on top of the berms.
18. Do not shoot any glass products.
19. Do not place live ammunition on the ground or in the trash containers.
20. Do not shoot in front of the shooting line when other shooters are present.
You may shoot in front of the shooting position if you are the only shooter on that range. This does not apply to Range 3. Only shoot from the firing line. Do not shoot from the wall. We are watching!
21. Shoot “straight on” to the berm. Don’t shoot across other shooting positions.
22. Do not remove your firearm from your vehicle when the range is COLD.
23. Do not go down range without clearing firearms and communicating your intentions with all shooters. “Range Cold”
24. Do not handle firearms for any reason when people are downrange (“Range Cold”).
25. When the range is “Cold” you must stand at least 3 feet behind your shooting position. (Cold Line when present).
26. When shooting black powder firearms shoot downwind of others.
27. Select-fire automatic firearms may be fired on the range 6 & 7 with CRPC Certification.
You MUST present License to Range Safety Officer and certification sticker.
28. Do not shoot at any wildlife.
29. Each member is responsible for monitoring and enforcing range safety rules.
ALWAYS assume every gun is loaded.
NEVER point your muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy.
NEVER put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
ALWAYS be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
ALWAYS use proper Hot and Cold Range Procedures.